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This is unofficial documentation for both NuGet V2 and V3 HTTP package source protocol.

A package source is either V2 or V3. V1 package sources are not covered here.

Historically, the NuGet HTTP protocol has not been documented and has been an implementation detail between the official NuGet client (e.g. nuget.exe) and As time went on, the HTTP protocol was closely inspected by parties outside of the NuGet team with the goal of providing alternate package sources and client implementations.

Because the protocol was never clearly documented, there are many subtle quirks between different server implementations. This document is an attempt to explain all of the HTTP endpoints available.

“Retro-specing” is the operative term!


This is unofficial documentation and is still a work in progress. Although I am on the NuGet team, I am by no means the owner of the NuGet protocol. This document is meant for informational purposes and should not be seen at the protocol specification.

See the logo on this page? Yeah.


A NuGet package is an archive containing some metadata and some assets. Typically these assets are .NET assemblies that a .NET project can consume (often through Visual Studio). However, there are packages used for other things including but certainly not limited to:

However, NuGet packages have these attributes:

The package ID is a human-readable string that package consumers configure into their projects or tooling so that the package can be fetched from their packages sources. The package ID is a case-insensitive string, although there are some quirks when it comes to casing.

The package version is SemVer 1.0.0 version string (although SemVer 2.0.0 support is coming). As a package changes over time, the package version is changes to reflect this but the package ID stays the same. Equivalency of two version strings in general is defined by the SemVer specification. However, NuGet package versions can have a fourth integer in the version number (to align with System.Version) and comparison is done in a case-insensitive manner. The best definition

The identity of a package is the two-tuple of package ID and package version. This pair is meant to unambiguously allow a package to be retrieved from a package source.

A package source is a collection of HTTP endpoints that allow a NuGet client to discover, download, and fetch metadata about NuGet packages. Each package source has a root URL that is configured into the client allowing all endpoints within the package source to be inferred based on the root URL.

The V3 protocol is the latest version of the package source protocol. Its data responses are serialized using JSON and has a built in mechanism for versioning of existing endpoints and addition of new endpoints. A V3 package source URL must end in index.json.

The V2 protocol is more widely supported by third party server implementations. Its data responses are serialized using XML. It looks a lot like an OData Version 2.0 feed but there are quirks and limitations on a V2 package source that are typically not there on an OData endpoint.


Since the NuGet HTTP protocol was never documented in detail, it’s not always useful to make unqualified, firm statements in this document. For this reason, there will yellow notices when quirks or differences between server or client implementations should be noted. For example:

Where possible, any different behavior between client or server implementation will be enumerated and explained. To make the explanation of different implementations more terse, the following abbreviations will be used:

Quirk Abbreviations

Abbreviation Implementation
MY MyGet
NG NuGetGallery (
NS2 NuGet.Server on WCF
NS3 NuGet.Server on Web API
VS Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)



There are typically two different roles when interacting with a package source:

Some server implementations give the writer role access to all packages on the source. Other implementations only give access to the package IDs which were originally uploaded by that author., NuGet.Server, MyGet

The reader role is assigned to anonymous users. A caller can download any package from without providing any form of credentials.

The writer role authentication and authorization is achieved using the X-NuGet-ApiKey HTTP header.

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

Authentication to VSTS is typically done using personal access tokens (PAT).

The reader role is assigned to users with read access to the package feed and who are using a PAT that has the “Packaging (read)”, “Packaging (read and write)” or “Packaging (read, write, and manage)” scope.

The writer role is assigned to users with write access to the package feed and who are using a PAT that has the “Packaging (read and write)” or “Packaging (read, write, and manage)” scope.

The X-NuGet-ApiKey is required by the protocol but is ignored by VSTS since all authentication and authorization information is contained in the PAT.

V2 Protocol

Package entity

At the core of the V2 protocol is the OData package entity. A single package entity is represented by a <entry> element. A collection of package entities is represented by a <feed> element with zero or more <entry> child elements.

The identity (i.e. key) of the package entity is the Id and Version properties.

Properties from <entry>

The following elements are available on every known server implementation.

Element Description
<id>, text content URL to get metadata about a single package
<content>, src attribute URL to download the .nupkg
<summary>, text content Summary only when Summary is defined
<author>, <name> children Authors, split into multiple values

The following properties vary from one server implementation to the next.

Element Description Availability
<title> as the ID, text content ID of the package NG, NS2, NS3, VS
<title> as the Title, text content Title of the package MY
<summmay> defaulting to Description Only when Summary is not defined MY
<summary> with no text content Only when Summary is not defined NS2
No <summary> element at all Only when Summary is not defined NG, NS3, VS

Properties from <m:properties>

These values are available under the <m:properties> element (a direct child of the <entry> element). The types are OData primitive data types.

The following elements are available on every known server implementation.

Element Type
<d:Copyright> Edm.String
<d:Dependencies> Edm.String
<d:Description> Edm.String
<d:DownloadCount> Edm.Int32
<d:IconUrl> Edm.String
<d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion> Edm.Boolean
<d:IsLatestVersion> Edm.Boolean
<d:IsPrerelease> Edm.Boolean
<d:Language> Edm.String
<d:LicenseUrl> Edm.String
<d:MinClientVersion> Edm.String
<d:NormalizedVersion> Edm.String
<d:PackageSize> Edm.Int64
<d:ProjectUrl> Edm.String
<d:ReleaseNotes> Edm.String
<d:RequireLicenseAcceptance> Edm.Boolean
<d:Tags> Edm.String
<d:Title> Edm.String
<d:Version> Edm.String

The following properties vary from one server implementation to the next.

Element Type Availability
<d:Authors> Edm.String NG NS3 VS
<d:Created> Edm.DateTime MY NG VS
<d:DevelopmentDependency> Edm.Boolean NS2 NS3
<d:GalleryDetailsUrl> Edm.String MY NG
<d:Id> Edm.String MY NG NS3 VS
<d:LastEdited> Edm.DateTime MY NG VS
<d:LastUpdated> Edm.DateTime NG NS3 VS
<d:LicenseNames> Edm.String MY NG
<d:LicenseReportUrl> Edm.String MY NG
<d:Listed> Edm.Boolean NS2 NS3 VS
<d:Owners> Edm.String NS2 NS3
<d:PackageHash> Edm.String MY NG NS2 NS3
<d:PackageHashAlgorithm> Edm.String MY NG NS2 NS3
<d:Published> Edm.DateTime MY NG NS3 VS
<d:ReportAbuseUrl> Edm.String MY NG
<d:Summary> Edm.String NG NS2 NS3 VS
<d:VersionDownloadCount> Edm.Int32 MY NG NS2 NS3

Client recommendations

Downloading .nupkgs

Tthe src attribute of the <content> element (a direct child element within the <entry>) is the URL to where the package (.nupkg file) can be downloaded. This download URL has no specific pattern. Clients should discover .nupkg URLs by inspecting the XML <content> element for the desired package and should not depend on the URLs having a particular structure.

Determining the package ID

Unfortunately, NuGet.Server on WCF (and perhaps other server implementations) do not include the ID in the <m:properties> element. All other server implementations do. To work around this, use the following algorithm to determine a package’s ID.

  1. Check for the <d:Id> element under <d:properties>.
  2. If it exists, use the text content found there.
  3. If it does not exist, use the text content found under the <title> element (found under the <entry> element).

It may be tempting to parse the ID out of the URL found in the <id> element. However, this is not guaranteed to have SemVer 2.0.0 build metadata.

OData parameters

OData supports a number of standard query parameters to manipulate the result set.

Name Required Description
$filter false Used to determine if a package should be in the result set
$orderby false Used to sort the result set
$select false Used to return a subset of properties on each package.
$skip false Used for paging across the result set
$top false Used for paging across the result set

The query parameters have varying support across different endpoints and server implementations.

TODO: Document support for $count, $format, $expand, $inlinecount, etc.

Endpoint: push package

POST /nuget HTTP/1.1
X-NuGet-ApiKey: meowmeow
Content-Length: 35195

(bytes of the .nupkg)
Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method PUT `
  -Uri `
  -InFile Kittens.1.2.0-beta.nupkg `
  -Headers @{ "X-NuGet-ApiKey" = "meowmeow" }

The above command returns a response like this:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 0
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

This endpoint is used to add new packages and replace existing packages. The identity (package ID and version) of the package being pushed is defined in the .nuspec of uploaded package.

Server Supports package replace
NuGetGallery no
NuGet.Server no, unless allowOverrideExistingPackageOnPush is set to true
MyGet yes, unless “Forbid overwriting of existing packages?” package setting is enabled

HTTP Request



Name Required Description
X-NuGet-ApiKey true The API key used to authenticate the caller.

Request Body

The request body can come in one of two forms.

Multipart Form Data

The request header Content-Type is multipart/form-data and the first item in the response body is the raw bytes of the .nupkg being pushed. Subsequent items in the multipart body are ignored.

Raw Bytes

If the response body is not multipart/form-data, the entire request body is assumed to be the raw bytes of the .nupkg being pushed.


Status Code Meaning
201 Created The package has been successfully uploaded
400 Bad Request The package in the request body could not be extracted or has invalid metadata
401 Unauthorized The provided API key or credentials are not valid
403 Forbidden The provided API key or credentials does not have write access to the provided package ID
409 Conflict A package with the provided identity already exists

TODO: document which server implementations return what status codes.

The official NuGet client treats all 200-level responses as success and everything else as a failure.

Endpoint: delete package

DELETE /nuget/Kittens/1.2.0-beta HTTP/1.1
X-NuGet-ApiKey: meowmeow
Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Method DELETE `
  -Uri `
  -Headers @{ "X-NuGet-ApiKey" = "meowmeow" }

The above command returns a response like this:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

This endpoint is used to delete an existing package. Server implementations are allowed to implement the delete operation either as complete package removal or as the unlist operation.

Server Delete or unlist
NuGetGallery unlist
NuGet.Server delete, unless enableDelisting is set to true

TODO: document MyGet and VSTS

HTTP Request

DELETE{package ID}/{package version}

URL Parameters

Name Required Description
{package ID} true The ID of the package to be deleted
{package version} true The version of the package to be deleted


Name Required Description
X-NuGet-ApiKey true The API key used to authenticate the caller.


Status Code Meaning
204 No Content The package was successfully deleted or unlisted
404 Bad Request The provided package identity does not exist
401 Unauthorized The provided API key or credentials are not valid
403 Forbidden The provided API key or credentials does not have write access to the provided package ID

TODO: document which server implementations return what status codes.

The official NuGet client treats all 200-level responses as success and everything else as a failure.

Endpoint: enumerate packages

GET /nuget/Packages()?$filter=IsAbsoluteLatestVersion&$orderby=Id&$skip=4&$top=1 HTTP/1.1
Invoke-WebRequest `

The above command returns an XML response like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3724
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=feed;charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:m="" xml:base="">
  <title />
  <link rel="self" href="" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <title type="text">Kittens</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description>Descriptions are important!</d:Description>
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">27</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">4103</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Puppies',Version='0.1.0')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Puppies',Version='0.1.0')" />
    <title type="text">Puppies</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description />
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">2</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">8309</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />

This endpoint is used to enumerate all packages available on the V2 package source.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Name Required
$filter false
$orderby false
$select false
$skip false
$top false

TODO: document the availability for these parameters.

Note the has implemented filtering on specific combinations of OData query parameters.


The response body is an XML document containing a collection of package entities. There can be zero or more package entities.

TODO: document when the URL to the next page is available.

Status Code Meaning
200 OK The result set has been returned
400 Bad Request The parameter values are invalid or the set of parameters is not supported

Endpoint: get a single package

GET /nuget/Packages(Id='Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta') HTTP/1.1
Invoke-WebRequest `

The above command returns an XML response like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1905
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=feed;charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:m="" xml:base="">
  <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
  <link rel="edit" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
  <link rel="self" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
  <title type="text">Kittens</title>
  <content type="application/zip" src="" />
    <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
    <d:Dependencies />
    <d:Description>Descriptions are important!</d:Description>
    <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">27</d:DownloadCount>
    <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
    <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsLatestVersion>
    <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
    <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsPrerelease>
    <d:Language m:null="true" />
    <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">4103</d:PackageSize>
    <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
    <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
    <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
    <d:Tags m:null="true" />
    <d:Title m:null="true" />
    <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
    <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />

This endpoint is used to fetch metadata about a single package.

HTTP Request

GET'{package ID}',Version='{package version}')

URL Parameters

Name Required Description
{package ID} true The ID of the package fetched
{package version} true The version of the package to be fetched

TODO: document what OData query parameters are supported


The response body is an XML document containing a single package entity.

Status Code Meaning
200 OK The package exists and the metadata has been returned
404 Not Found No package with the provided package ID and version exists

Endpoint: find packages by ID

GET /nuget/FindPackagesById()?id='Kittens' HTTP/1.1
Invoke-WebRequest `

The above command returns an XML response like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3823
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=feed;charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:m="" xml:base="">
  <title />
  <link rel="self" href="" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <title type="text">Kittens</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description>Descriptions are important!</d:Description>
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">27</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">4103</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Kittens',Version='1.3.0')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Kittens',Version='1.3.0')" />
    <title type="text">Kittens</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description>Descriptions are important! Especially when a package releases a stable version.</d:Description>
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">739</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">4431</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />
  <link rel="next" href="$skip=2" />

This endpoint is used to enumerate all versions of a given package ID.

HTTP Request

GET'{package ID}'

Query Parameters

Name Required Description
id true Package ID to fetch all of the versions. Note that the ID must be surrounded in single quotes.
Name Required Availability
$filter false MY, NG, NS2, NS3, VS
$orderby false MY, NG, NS2, NS3
$select false MY, NG (bug), NS2, NS3
$skip false MY, NG, NS2, NS3
$top false MY, NG, NS2, NS3


The response body is an XML document containing a collection of package entities. There can be zero or more package entities. If the package ID does not exist on the package source, an empty result set is returned.

For large result sets (packages that have many versions), a <link rel="next" href="..." /> element can be returned. This should be followed to fetch the next set of results.

Status Code Meaning
200 OK The result set has been returned
404 Bad Request The provided set of query parameters is not valid or not supported

Endpoint: search for packages

GET /nuget/Search()?searchTerm='kittens'&targetFramework=''&includePrerelease=true HTTP/1.1
Invoke-WebRequest `

The above command returns an XML response like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3823
Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=feed;charset=utf-8
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 17:04:18 GMT

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:m="" xml:base="">
  <title />
  <link rel="self" href="" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Kittens',Version='1.2.0-beta')" />
    <title type="text">Kittens</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description>Descriptions are important!</d:Description>
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">27</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">4103</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />
    <category term="V2FeedPackage" scheme="" />
    <link rel="edit" href="'Puppies',Version='0.1.0')" />
    <link rel="self" href="'Puppies',Version='0.1.0')" />
    <title type="text">Puppies</title>
    <content type="application/zip" src="" />
      <d:Copyright m:null="true" />
      <d:Dependencies />
      <d:Description>A package that is definitely not about kittens.</d:Description>
      <d:DownloadCount m:type="Edm.Int32">2</d:DownloadCount>
      <d:IconUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:IsLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsLatestVersion>
      <d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsAbsoluteLatestVersion>
      <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:IsPrerelease>
      <d:Language m:null="true" />
      <d:PackageSize m:type="Edm.Int64">8309</d:PackageSize>
      <d:ProjectUrl m:null="true" />
      <d:ReleaseNotes m:null="true" />
      <d:RequireLicenseAcceptance m:type="Edm.Boolean">false</d:RequireLicenseAcceptance>
      <d:Tags m:null="true" />
      <d:Title m:null="true" />
      <d:MinClientVersion m:null="true" />
      <d:LicenseUrl m:null="true" />
  <link rel="next" href="$skip=2" />

This endpoint is used to search package metadata for an arbitrary search term. This is the primary method used to discovery packages on a package source.

HTTP Request

GET'{search term}'&targetFramework='{target frameworks}'&includePrerelease={true | false}

Query Parameters

Name Required Description
searchTerm true The search term to look for in package metadata
targetFramework true Zero or more target framework monikers, seperated by `
includePrerelease true true or false dictating whether prerelease packages should be included in the output

In general, the searchTerm is tokenized (typically by whitespace) and used to match terms found in a package’s title, ID, description, and tags. What set of fields are searched and how the search term is tokenized varies greatly from one server implementation to the next.

In the example to the right, the Puppies package is matched because its description contains the search term “kittens”.

TODO: document the availability of the standard OData parameters


The response body is an XML document containing a collection of package entities. There can be zero or more package entities. If the search term, target monikers, or prerelease flag eliminate all results, an empty result set is returned.

For large result sets (packages that have many versions), a <link rel="next" href="..." /> element can be returned. This should be followed to fetch the next set of results.

Status Code Meaning
200 OK The result set has been returned
404 Bad Request A required parameter is missing or the provided set of query parameters is not valid or not supported